Annual Reports
Annual Report 2019
Current Reports
Current Report of Notice of Convocation EGMS-OGMS april 2019
The financial Communication Schedule 2019
Financial Communication Calendar 2018
Current Report – the Legal Acts Concluded
Current Report – Extention of the General Manager’s Mandate
Raport curent obtinere cod LEI
Raport curent acte juridice incheiate pentru anul 2017
Raport curent Hotarare AGEA- AGOA – 25.04.2017
Raport Curent – Hotarare AGOA 31.03.2017
Raport curent convocator AGOA-AGEA 25-26.04.2017
Raport curent propunere repartizare profit 2016
Raport curent Convocator AGOA 31.03.2017-01.04.2017
Periodic Reports
Quaterly report for the 3rd quater of 2017
Raport semestrul I an 2017 conform Regulament CNVM 1-2006
Raport situatii financiare trimestrul I 2017
Raport anual 2016 – conform regulamentului CNVM nr.1 – 2006
Materiale AGOA-AGEA 25-26.04.2017
Imputernicire speciala AGEA 25-26.04.2017
Procedura completare vot prin corespondenta AGOA-AGEA 25-26.04.2017
Procedura completare imputernicire speciala AGOA-AGEA 25-26.04.2017
Proiect Numar actiuni AGOA-AGEA 25-26.04.2017
Proiect Proiect Hotarare AGEA 25-26.04.2017
Proiect Hotarare AGOA 25-26.04.2017
Imputernicire speciala AGOA 25-26.04.2017
Buletin vot corespondenta AGEA 25-26.04.2017
Buletin vot corespondenta AGOA 25-26.04.2017
Calendar de comunicare financiara 2017
Materiale AGOA 31.03.2017-01.04.2017
Proiect Hotarare AGOA 31.03.2017-01.04.2017
Procedura completare vot prin corespondenta AGOA 31.03.2017-01.04.2017
Procedura completare imputernicire speciala AGOA 31.03.2017-01.04.2017
Nr. actiuni pentru AGOA 31.03.2017-01.04.2017
Imputernicire speciala AGOA 31.03.2017-01.04.2017
Buletin de vot prin corespondenta AGOA 31.03.2017-01.04.2017Quaterly report for the 3rd quater of 2017