The company’s base activity is conditioning, storing and selling agricultural products. The activity is held in 7 areas, reception bases and silos, situated in Tulcea county, in the following towns: Baia, Casimcea, Isaccea, Mihail Kogalniceanu, Macin, Mahmudia, Peceneaga.
Production areas are divided in 7 subunits, as follows:
Each silo and reception base is equipped with loading/unloading equippment, as well as equippement needed for the preserving of the cereals in stock.
To enshure the quality of the products, the silos have their own labs, and experienced lab workers.
BAIA SILO is composed of 2 storage units, as follows :
Having a 10.500 To storage capacity, it consits of:
- 65 cereal storing cells (cylindrical, stellar or dodecagonal)
- 5 intermediare storage units, placed on 5 levels, with a storage capacity of 400 To each.
The machine tower si composed of 3 vertical elevators (Nr.1,2,3) – each with a transer capacity of 40 To/h- , and machines for drying and cleaning cereals.
- 2 bunkers for cereal receiving ( on the exterior of the silo)
- 2 vertical elevators to transfer the cereals from the provisioning bunker to the conveyers in the silo’s basement.
- 2 horizontal conveyers (with a transfer capacity of 40 To/h) situated in the basement of the silo.
- 2 horizontal conveyers (with a transfer capacity of 40 To/h) situated on the silo’s superior platform.
With a 44.000 To storage capacity. It consists of:
- 48 cylindrical cells with a diameter of Ø = 6500 mm and height H = 24.000 mm.
- 24 stellar cells with a height H = 24.000 mm
- 40 cells Ø = 7240 mm and H = 24.000 mm
The machine’s Tower consists of 4 vertical elevators, each with a transfer capacity of 80 To/h and machines for drying and cleaning cereals.
- 4 bunker to receive cereals (outside the silo) at the auto receiving station.
- 2 bunkers to receive cereals C.F.
- 4 horizontal conveyers ( 80 To/h/strip transport capacity ) situated in the silo’s basement.
- 4 horizontal conveyers ( 80 To/h/strip transport capacity ) situated on the silo’s superior platform.
- 4 horizontal conveyers ( 80 To/h/strip transport capacity ) to transfer cereals from the C.F. and auto receiving bunkers.
Quality and quantity reception at Baia Silo is done in it’s own laboratory, equipped with :
Reception bases.
Dotarea tehnica a celor 6 baze de receptie dispuse pe raza Jud. Tulcea este similara.
Acestea au in componeta magazii cu capacitate de stocare de 3000 To,4000To si 5000 To.
Magaziile de depozitare si conditionare produse sunt prevazute cu canale transversale prin care este insuflat aerul necesar racirii produselor.
Incarcarea – descarcarea magaziilor cu cereale se face printr-o mecanizare compusa in principal din :
- Tarar Tip TA 1216 2 buc /mecanizare folosit la conditionarea cerealelor .
- Elevatoare cu cupe 2 buc – capacitate de transport 40To/h (in faza de incarcare magazine)
- Banda orizontala de transport – capacitate de transport 40 To/h in faza de incarcare magazine)
- Transportor melcat – capacitate 20 To/h folosit pentru incarcarea pe auto(la livrare)
- Transportoare cu banda mobile – capacitate de transport 40 To/h pt. incarcare pe auto (la livrare)
- Ventilator aspirator folosit pentru indepartarea prafului si a corpurilor usoare.
- Ventilatoare mobile folosite pentru aerare ( racier produse) la receptie sau pe parcursul perioadei de depozitare ,dupa caz.
Quality and quantity cereal reception at Reception Bases
Each of the reception basese has it’s own laboratory, equiped with the following tools and equippements :
- Umidometru tip. Granomat sau tip T1
- Curatitoare pentru determinarea corpului strain din cereal
- Balante tehnice – electronice cu precizie de 0,01g
- Pentru cantarirea cerealelor atat la receptie cat si la livrare sunt utilizate cantare rutiere